+91-9705743501 editor@iarfconferences.com

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Call for Papers

Contributions are invited from Prospective authors from Science &Technology, Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Physical & Chemical Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Management. All Contributions should be of high Quality, Original Research Papers and not published or under consideration anywhere in other Conferences or Journals. Papers must include title, abstract, keywords, author names and affiliation with an email address. All the selected papers will be published in the International Journal and will be assigned CrossRef DOI numbers with permanent links.

Themes from the Following Disciplines:

  1. Science & Technology
  2. Engineering- All Disciplines
  3. Life Sciences
  4. Health Sciences
  5. Physical & Chemical Sciences
  6. Social Sciences
  7. Humanities
  8. Management
  9. Not Limited to the above Disciplines, Author can submit any subject paper.

Categories of Paper:

  1. Regular Research Paper
  2. Short Paper
  3. Poster

Paper Size: Maximum 7 of 10 pages (download paper format from conference site)

Presentation Formats:

  1. Oral Presentations

Each presenter shall be given 15 minutes for presentation. An additional 5 minutes will be added for Q&A which will be moderated by the session chair.
For the benefit of the audience, the presentation should at least cover the following areas:

  1. The objective/purpose of the study
  2. Background/overview of the topic
  3. Theoretical framework
  4. Research  methodology
  5. Overview of findings and results
  6. Conclusion/Discussion

All presentations must be done in English.

Poster Presentations

The event also accepts posters as an alternative to oral presentations.

  1. A special viewing and Q&A session will be held for presenters who have chosen to present their research using posters.
  2. Authors are expected to be beside their respective posters to explain or entertain any questions asked by visitors during this session.
  3. Depending on the situation, poster presenters may also be required to explain and answer questions regarding their posters in the presentation hall.


  1. Full papers presented at will be published in the conference proceedings and shall be distributed to participants during the event.
  2. All the papers will be published in Reputed International Journal with CrossRef DOI numbers.

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